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Number of items: 68. ALewis, M and Wang, H and Kolling, A and Sycara, K and Brooks, N and Scerri, P (2012) Asynchronous displays for multi-UV search tasks. In: UNSPECIFIED. Lupińska-Dubicka, A and Druzdzel, MJ (2012) A comparison of popular fertility awareness methods to a DBN model of the woman's monthly cycle. In: UNSPECIFIED. Singh, S and Shahbazi, M and Pelechrinis, K and Sundaresan, K and Krishnamurthy, SV and Addepalli, S (2012) A case for adaptive sub-carrier level power allocation in OFDMA networks. In: UNSPECIFIED. Xu, K and Tipper, David and Krishnamurthy, Prashant and Qian, Yi (2012) A Framework of Efficient Hybrid Model and Optimal Control for Multihop Wireless Networks. In: ACM Sigmetrics/Performance, 12 June 2012 - 15 June 2012, London, UK. Meneguzzi, Felipe and Oh, Jean and Chakraborty, Nilanjan and Sycara, Katia and Mehrotra, Siddharth and Tittle, James and Lewis, Michael (2012) A cognitive architecture for emergency response. In: Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. (In Press) Chirimuuta, Mazviita and Tsvetanov, Kamen A and Humphreys, Glyn W (2012) Attentional effects of working memory load and consolidation during visual search. In: Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting 2012, 11 May 2012 - 16 May 2012, Naples, Italy. Bowler, Leanne and Mattern, Eleanor and Soyka, Heather and Benner, Jessica (2012) A Framework for Exploring Sustainability in LIS Education. In: 2012 ALISE Annual Conference: Extending our reach, expanding horizons, creating opportunity, 17 January 2012 - 20 January 2012, Dallas, Texas, USA. Bowler, Leanne and Mattern, Eleanor (2012) A Visual Vocabulary for Modeling Metamemory During the Information Search Process. In: Canadian Association for Information Science. 40th Annual Conference. Information in a Local and Global Context, 31 May 2012 - 02 June 2012, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. BLiang, ME and Guerra, J and Brusilovsky, P (2012) Building multi-layer social knowledge maps with google maps API. In: UNSPECIFIED. Semnani-Azad, Zhaleh and Adair, Wendi L and Sycara, Katia and Lewis, Michael (2012) Being tough doesn’t always pay off: The culture of honor vs dignity in negotiation. In: 25th Annual IACM Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa. CLiang, M and Guerra, J and Marai, GE and Brusilovsky, P (2012) Collaborative e-learning through open social student modeling and Progressive Zoom navigation. In: UNSPECIFIED. Zhang, Haihui (2012) Chinese Rare Book Cataloging: Descriptive Cataloging Focus. In: Webinar on Chinese Rare Book Cataloging, 13 June 2012 - 13 June 2012, Online. (Unpublished) Corrall, Sheila and Kennan, Mary Anne and Afzal, Waseem (2012) Changes in academic libraries: Evolution and innovation in research support services. In: Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) Conference, Part I: Changes in the World of Library Services: Evolution and Innovation,, 18 June 2012 - 20 June 2012, Zadar, Croatia. Tse, Holman (2012) Consonant and Tone Interaction in Cantonese. In: Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences Grad Expo, 22 March 2012 - 22 March 2012, University of Pittsburgh. Nunnally, Steven and Walker, Phillip and Lewis, Michael and Kolling, Andreas and Chakraborty, Nilanjan and Sycara, Katia (2012) Connectivity Differences between Human Operators of Swarms and Bandwidth Limitations. In: UNSPECIFIED. DBowler, L and Mattern, E (2012) Design techniques for revealing adolescent memory processes related to information seeking: A preliminary study. In: UNSPECIFIED. López, Claudia and Brusilovsky, Peter (2012) Designing Adaptive Engagement Approaches for Audience-bounded Online Communities. In: Design, Influence, and Social Technologies (DIST) Workshop, 11 February 2011 - 11 February 2011, Seattle, WA, USA. EBowler, L and Oh, JS and He, D and Mattern, E and Jeng, W (2012) Eating disorder questions in Yahoo! Answers: Information, conversation, or reflection? In: UNSPECIFIED. Hirtle, SC and Robles, C (2012) Environmental matching with limited displays. In: UNSPECIFIED. Bowler, Leanne and Oh, Jung Sun and He, Daqing and Mattern, Eleanor and Jeng, Wei (2012) Eating Disorder Questions in Yahoo! Answers: Information, Conversation, or Reflection? In: ASIS&T Annual Meeting: Information, Interaction, Innovation, 26 October 2012 - 30 October 2012, Baltimore, Maryland. Ka, Hyun and Simpson, Richard (2012) Effectiveness of Morse Code as an Alternative Control Method for Powered Wheelchair Navigation. In: the Annual Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering, June 2012 - June 2012, Baltimore, MD. Weiss, Martin BH and Lehr, William and Altamimi, Mohammed and Cui, Liu (2012) Enforcement in Dynamic Spectrum Access Systems. In: UNSPECIFIED. Afzal, Waseem and Corrall, Sheila and Kennan, Mary Anne (2012) Evolving roles: Research support services in the academic libraries of Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and the UK. In: ALISE’12, Extending Our Reach: Expanding Horizons, Extending Opportunity, 17 January 2012 - 20 January 2012, Dallas, TX. (Unpublished) Mohanraj, Santhosh Kumar and Thirumala, Parthasarathy D and Habeych, Miguel and Crammond, Donald and Balzer, Jeffrey (2012) Establishing Baseline Values for Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAEP) during Microvascular-Decompression for Hemifacial Spasm. In: UNSPECIFIED. FHerringa, Ryan and Phillips, Mary and Fournier, Jay and Kronhaus, Dina and Germain, Anne (2012) Functional Neural Correlates of PTSD Symptoms and Trauma Exposure in Young Adult Combat Veterans. In: UNSPECIFIED. GJeng, W and He, D and Jiang, J and Zhang, Y (2012) Groups in Mendeley: Owners' descriptions and group outcomes. In: UNSPECIFIED. HCalhoun, Karen (2012) Help for Facilitators and Notetakers. In: Preparation for October 19 "Birds of a Feather" Event. (Unpublished) Sycara, Katia and Lewis, Michael (2012) Human control strategies for multi-robot teams. In: 16th WSEAS International Conference on Computers, 14 July 2012 - 17 July 2012, Kos, GR. IAmirpour Amraii, Saman and Chakraborty, Nilanjan and Lewis, Michael (2012) Input Efficiency for Influencing Swarm. In: AAAI Fall Symposium on Human Control of Bio-Inspired Swarms, Arlington, VA. Walker, Phillip M and Nunnally, Steven and Lewis, Michael and Kolling, Andreas and Chakraborty, Nilanjan and Sycara, Katia (2012) Investigating neglect benevolence and communication latency during human-swarm interaction. In: AAAI Fall Symposium on Human Control of Bio-Inspired Swarms, Arlington, VA. Alman, Susan and Frey, Barbara and Kearns, Lorna and Tomer, Christinger (2012) Information Overload: Strategies for Personal Information Management (PIM) and More Effective Online Teaching �. In: Quality Matters Annual Meeting, 2012, 03 October 2012 - 06 October 2012, Tuscon, Arizona. Zheng, Hai and Zhao, Tiejun and Edelman, Kathryn and Qian, Yongxian and Ibrahim, Tamer S and Aizenstein, Howard and Boada, Fernando E (2012) Improved response to face recognition in UHF fMRI through parallel transmission RF pulse design. In: 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) 2012, 10 June 2012 - 14 June 2012, Beijing, China. Deliyannides, Timothy S (2012) Incentivizing Open Access: the Library as Publisher. In: SPARC Open Access Meeting, 11 March 2012 - 13 March 2012, Kansas City, MO. (Unpublished) Corrall, Sheila and Roberts, Angharad (2012) Information resource development and “collection” in the digital age: Conceptual frameworks and new definitions for the network world. In: Changes in Changes in the world of electronic resources: Information and digitization, 20 June 2012 - 22 June 2012, Zadar, Croatia. LTse, Holman (2012) Lexical Tone Effects on Voice Onset Time in Cantonese. In: Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL), 16 March 2012 - 16 March 2012, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Sardegna, VG (2012) Learner differences in strategy use, self-efficacy beliefs, and pronunciation improvement. In: PSLLT, 16 September 2011 - 17 September 2011, Ames, IA. MKaniecki, RG (2012) Management of Chronic Migraine with Quarterly Pericranial Nerve Blocks: A Prospective 12-Month Trial. In: UNSPECIFIED. Scala, Natalie Michele and Kutzner, Richard and Buede, Dennis and Ciminera, Christopher and Bridges, Alicia (2012) Multi-objective Decision Analysis for Workforce Planning: A Case Study. In: Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, May 2012 - May 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA. Tyurina, YY and Tungekar, MA and Jung, MY and Tyurin, VA and Greenberger, JS and Stoyanovsky, DA and Kagan, VE (2012) Mitochondria targeting of non-peroxidizable triphenylphosphonium conjugated oleic acid protects mouse embryonic cells against apoptosis: Role of cardiolipin remodeling. In: UNSPECIFIED. NKear, Robin and Garcia-Febo, Loida (2012) New Librarians Worldwide: Mapping Out the Future. In: World Library and Information Congress: 78th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, 11-17 August 2012, Helsinki, Finland. Zhou, Feihu and Cove, Matthew E and Peng, Zhiyong Y and Bishop, Jeffrey and Singbartl, Kia and Kellum, John A (2012) Normal saline resuscitation worsens lactic acidosis in experimental sepsis. In: 32nd International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (ISICEM) 2012, 20 March 2012 - 23 March 2012, Brussels, Belgium. Walker, Phillip and Nunnally, Steven and Lewis, Mike and Kolling, Andreas and Chakraborty, Nilanjan and Sycara, Katia (2012) Neglect Benevolence in Human-Swarm Interaction with Communication Latency. In: UNSPECIFIED. Quintero, Gustavo (2012) Nunca terminar de narrar: Los límites de la obra en Juan José Saer. In: VIII Congreso Internacional de Teoría y Crítica Literaria Orbis Tertius, 07 May 2012 - 09 May 2012, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. OJiang, Jiepu and He, Daqing and Han, Shuguang (2012) On Duplicate Results in a Search Session. In: 21st Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2012), 06 November 2012 - 09 November 2012, Gaithesburg, MD. Deliyannides, Timothy S and Barnett, John H and Chan, Jennifer (2012) OA Week 2012: Scholarly Communication & Publishing Update. In: OA Week 2012 Kick-Off Event for ULS Colleagues, 17 October 2012 - 17 October 2012, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. (Unpublished) Tomer, Christinger (2012) Open Source Options for Digital Curation. In: Library 2.012, 03 October 2012 - 06 October 2012. Tomer, Christinger (2012) Open Source Systems for Libraries. In: Library 2.012, 03 October 2012 - 06 October 2012. Onuffer, Spencer and Kiesling, Scott F (2012) Operationalizing Stance as an Independent Variable. In: New Ways of Analyzing Variation 41, 25 October 2012 - 28 October 2012, Bloomington, United States of America. Deliyannides, Timothy S and Barnett, John H (2012) Open Access and the new Copyright Policy: greater impact for your research. In: Faculty Meeting, 01 March 2012 - 01 March 2012, University of Pittsburgh School of Law. (Unpublished) Ketchum, Andrea M and Klem, Mary Lou (2012) Open Access Journals: the Pros and Cons. In: Research Methodology Series - Continuing Education, 20 February 2012 - 20 February 2012, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing. (Unpublished) PBarnett, John H (2012) Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice - A new, peer-reviewed, online, Open Access journal. In: Western Pennsylvania-West Virginia Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries (WPWVC/ACRL) Fall Meeting 2012, 02 November 2012 - 02 November 2012, Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA. (Unpublished) RNunnally, Steven and Walker, Phillip M and Lewis, Michael and Kolling, Andreas and Chakraborty, Nilanjan and Sycara, Katia (2012) Robotic swarm connectivity with human operation and bandwidth limitations. In: AAAI Fall Symposium on Human Control of Bio-Inspired Swarms, Arlington, VA. Tse, Holman (2012) Research on the Kizigua Language. In: Pittsburgh Somali Bantu Cultural Celebration, 21 October 2012 - 21 October 2012, University of Pittsburgh. Miller, Weldon and Kaniecki, Robert (2012) Resource utilization in patients with migraine headache with and without concomitant depression and anxiety. In: 54th American Headache Society Annual Meeting 2012, 21 June 2012 - 24 June 2012, Los Angele, CA, USA. SWeiss, MBH and Cui, L (2012) Spectrum trading with interference rights. In: UNSPECIFIED. Collister, Lauren Brittany and Ross, Travis L (2012) Social Systems in Virtual Worlds: Building a better looking raid loot system in World of Warcraft using the IAD framework. In: Meaningful Play, 18 October 2013 - 20 October 2013, East Lansing, Michigan. (Unpublished) TWeiss, MBH and Cui, L (2012) The hinges of destiny: A decision analysis of spectrum users' choices. In: UNSPECIFIED. Brusilovsky, P (2012) The other side of the social web: A taxonomy for social information access. In: UNSPECIFIED. Draucker, Fawn and Collister, Lauren Brittany (2012) To RT or not to RT: Authorship and attribution on Twitter. In: InfoSocial, 12 October 2012 - 13 October 2012, Evanston, IL. (Unpublished) Falakmasir, MH and Hsiao, IH and Mazzola, L and Grant, N and Brusilovsky, P (2012) The impact of social performance visualization on students. In: UNSPECIFIED. Folk, Amanda and Grimmett, Jenn (2012) Teaching New Dogs Old Tricks: Using Technology to Train and Manage Student Employees. In: American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference, 21 June 2012 - 26 June 2012, Anaheim, CA. (Unpublished) Withers, Clare and Stapp, Alexis and Brink, Judith (2012) The Knowledge Base: Managing Collective Use of Individual Expertise. In: Western Pennsylvania West Virginia Chapter/ACRL Spring Conference 2012: Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way: Setting Your Pace as a Library Leader, 1 Jun 2012, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. Kolling, Andreas and Nunnally, Steven and Lewis, Michael (2012) Towards human control of robot swarms. In: HRI'12: International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Ketchum, Andrea M (2012) Take Advantage of Open Access: Increased Impact, Control and Convenience. In: Lunch with a Librarian, 09 February 2012 - 09 February 2012, Falk Library of the Health Sciences. (Unpublished) Hamoudi, Haider Ala (2012) Thinking Beyond the Original Bargain: Post Ratification Constitution Making and the Case of Iraq. In: UNSPECIFIED. Takabi, Hassan and Joshi, James BD (2012) Toward a Semantic Based Policy Management Framework for Interoperable Cloud Environments. In: 1st International IBM Cloud Academy Conference (ICA CON 2012), 19 April 2012 - 20 April 2012, Research Triange Park, North Carolina, USA. WWeiss, M and Krishnamurthy, P and Doyle, LE and Pelechrinis, K (2012) When is electromagnetic spectrum fungible? In: UNSPECIFIED. Cox, Richard J (2012) Where Is Archival Science in the History of Information Science: A Speculative Framework. In: ASIS&T Annual Meeting: Information, Interaction, Innovation, 26 October 2012 - 30 October 2012, Baltimore, Maryland. |